Saturday, July 3, 2010

A big flock of Unruly Birds on the horizon!

Woohoo!  My very first painting exhibit is coming up.

In May I agreed to complete 30 paintings in 30 days. The result was a huge flock of wildly colorful and frankly silly UNRULY BIRDS.  Opening night is Friday, July 9 (6-9pm) at Avanti Art & Design (7317 Greenwood Ave.) as part of the July Greenwood/Phinney Artwalk. There will be beverages and snacks and lots of other artists' work, so please stop by.

A seriously unruly tower of unruly birds:

This ceramic statue was the inspiration for the squawking unruly birds.  Basically art imitating art imitating life...

A typical conversation amongst avian royalty:

A whole smorgasbord of unruliness:


Beth E-R said...

I am really looking forward to attending your opening. Since I have recently seen a couple of the unrulies in person, I can't wait to view the whole flock!

Beth E-R

Cindy Pestka said...

Next to baby toes, it's hard to imagine what would be more fun than unruly birds in Caribbean colors. I know I'm biased but it IS hard to keep a straight face when looking at the little nutters.