Friday, March 19, 2010

The BIGGEST "Lie of Omission"

My back yard is truly "Where the Wild Things Are"...wild blackberry, wild morning glory, wild dandelions, me after several hours of maddening weeding. Nevertheless, dedicated as I am to misleading photography, I managed to find these little oases of calm and beauty buried within the dispiriting jungle behind my house.
Spring comes very early to the Pacific Northwest:
. Weathered metal scrollwork on my equally weathered fence:
These thrift store birdhouses are perched (somewhat precariously) on a discarded ladder. I felt so very "Salvage Studio" when I thought of displaying them thusly:
And that, Gentle Readers, is all the news (from the garden) that's fit to print!

1 comment:

Lisa of Lisa's Little House said...

Very nice, indeed! And love the plug...
