Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More Marvelous Maxine's

I met my friend Julie at Maxine's Pickety Patch the other day to scope out ideas for wedding decorations for her upcoming nuptials. (I believe that may be the very first time I've written the word "nuptials" looks mighty funny on my computer screen).

Anyway, if you haven't had the pleasure of experiencing Maxine's floral and gift shop, RUN (don't walk) to it as soon as possible to soak in its delightful sights, sounds and aromas. It’s a heady vortex of fantastically colorful flowers, peeping-cheeping real life birds and sparkly eye candy, mixed with the earthy scents of fresh flowers and abundant greenery.

For more photos of Maxine's shop, check out a post from last year...and stay tuned for more optical goodness later this week. This is just a smattering of the wonderfulness that IS Maxine:

Maxine offers classes in how to make these huge crepe paper flowers. You can't tell from this picture but each one is at least 12" wide! I took it last year with a friend and it was a delightful, pampering creative experience.

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