Thursday, August 5, 2010

Signs that make you look twice

Looks like this sign got a dose of its own medicine:

Wouldn't it be a hoot to drive this van?

Not sure I would trust this company with my RV repair:

Cool graffiti...I like the 3 vertical crowns and the dog drinking a beer:


Lisa of Lisa's Little House said...

Love Love Love the sign that got zapped! Thanks for showing us life through your eyes...

Lisa of Lisa's Little House

PS...If any Unruly Bird graffiti shows up, we will know who the culprit is...

Beth E-R said...

The first sign could be a useful deterrent next to some of my favorite unhealthy snacks!

Cindy Pestka said...

Ahhh dear friends Beth & Lisa...I can always count on you for fun comments. There's a few places in Seattle which allow graffiti...I just might have to go try my hand at spraypainting unruly birds. Anybody up for a rogue road trip????????